Landscape Project in Gresham Oregon:
Before and after pictures from this Gresham landscape design-build project.
The problem: The house sits on an elevated island, with streets on three sides. Privacy is non-existent and dogs love the front yard (not in a good way). The plants in beds against the house are large and tired. The lawn slopes and is very difficult to mow when it is wet.
The solution: Structure, structure, and more structure. Walls solve two problems, leveling the yard and keeping dogs out. Screens give the area a feeling of privacy and look really cool. The plantings will mature to provide height and depth the landscape needs (plant list below).
In addition we revamped the irrigation, installed drainage and a rain garden to handle much of the property's rain water, and installed a new lawn. The new landscape uses less water and takes less maintenance than the old one.
Landscape Material and Plant List:
- Walls are "Silver Springs" basalt.
- Lawn is rye sod from JB Sod.
- Screens are clear cedar from Lakeside Lumber
- Plants are provided by R&M Plant Procurement
Key plants:
Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"
Acer palmatum "Sango-kaku"
Acer circinatum
Acer palmatum "Crimson Queen"
Pinus contorta "Chief Joseph"
Mahonia "Soft Caress"
Ribes "Pokey's Pink"
Hebe buxifolia
Calamagrostis acutiflora "Karl Foerster"
Carex testacea Orange Sedge
Sedum rupestre "Angelina"
Vaccinium ovatum
Sedum spectabile "Autumn Joy"
Acorus gramineus "Ogon"
Does your landscape have challenges?
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